Backup of home page 22 April

Music Theatre Projects Ltd is a not-for-profit umbrella established to nurture creative development, and support the production of live and recorded content.


Latest News

Fire – at Collector Memorial Hall, Sunday 21st July 3pm

Grab your tix for a special fundraising event at Collector Memorial Hall on Sunday 21st [...]

Exploring “Fire” – for contemporary performance

In April, thanks to donations to our Australian Cultural Fund campaign, a group of diverse [...]

Fire – first public reading of a 100 year old Australian play

It only took a century. On Sunday 29 October, as part of Gunning Arts Festival, [...]

Drought and other Plays – tix on sale

Drought and Other Plays by Millicent Armstrong –  is coming soon to Yass, Cobargo, Merimbula and Lanyon Homestead, Tharwa, as part [...]